Use Case
Consumer Tracking

Here's why you need Consumer Tracking
Advantages of Consumer Tracking
Access real-time data on purchase frequency, product usage, and buying decision influencers, enabling real-time strategy adjustments.
Understand the motivations behind your customers' purchasing choices and discover the obstacles preventing them from making a purchase.
Find subtle nuances affecting consumer decisions, revealing unexpected insights to shape your business strategies.
Methods to include in your Consumer Tracking
MaxDiff Scaling
Find what matters to customers

Mystery Shopping
Discover insights, enhance experiences

KPIs to measure
Brand Awareness
Driver and Barriers
Purchase Frequency
Purchase Channel
Usage Situation
First Choice
Top of Mind
Product Use
Essential Consumer Tracking questions
For feature prioritization
What are the expectations of different target groups regarding the product features? Which new potential features should be prioritized for implementation?
For consistent customer experiences
Are there any specific issues or barriers that prevent customers from making a purchase or enjoying a positive experience?
For target audience insights
Are there any discrepancies between customer feedback and the actual customer experiences observed through Mystery Shopping?
Consumer Tracking explained
Consumer tracking refers to the practice of collecting and analyzing data related to consumer behavior, such as their browsing habits, purchase history, brand awareness, drivers and barriers and more.
The data collected in a consumer tracking study is used to gain insights into consumer behavior and preferences, which can be used to inform marketing strategies, but also product and service development / optimisation.
When consumer tracking studies are done properly and regularly, the benefits are mulitple: gaining insights into consumer preferences and behaviors, identifying trends, improving products and services to better meet consumer needs, increasing customer loyalty and engagement.
Consumer trends and buying behavior can be tracked by analyzing data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, brand awareness, purchase intent and demographic information, but a few studies (i.e. waves) have to be carried out before starting to identfy trends and buying behavior. This data is collected, analyzed and mapped easily using the Appinio Platform.
More use cases & methods
Brand tracking
Campaign tracking
Target group analysis
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