
Craft better questions, get smarter answer options, and build surveys in minutes.

Generate high-quality questions and insights, significantly reduce research workloads

Explore how we use AI to make research easy and accessible to everyone.

Survey creation

Seamless question refinement


Survey creation

Answer options, redefined



Insights at a glance


Discover what's next with Appinio AI

  • Hero-Icon_Frame_AI

    Build surveys with one-prompt

    Start your survey journey with a single prompt, and let Appinio AI craft the initial draft for you to customize.
  • Hero-Icon_Charting-and-reporting_AI

    Master freetext insights

    Move beyond isolated quotes and turn open text answers into a treasure trove of structured insights.
  • Hero-Icon_Recognise_AI

    Unlock data insights with AI chatbot

    Instant support for analyzing your survey results right in your Reports dashboard.
  • Hero-Icon_Easy_AI

    Executive summary of Boards

    Get a full summary of the story you created in your Appinio Boards.

FAQs around AI (= Artificial Intelligence)

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  • Experience real-time results

  • Explore reports & templates

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