Change of leadership at Appinio

Press Release · 09.01.2023 · 3min read

Change of leadership at Appinio | Press Release
Max Honig is the new CEO of Appinio

Hamburg, January 9, 2023 - Jonathan Kurfess, founder of the market research company Appinio and former CEO, officially hands over operational responsibility at the beginning of this year to Max Honig, Co-Founder and former COO.


Founder Jonathan Kurfess views this change as a natural next step and a consequence of the rapid growth in recent years: "This transition allows us to fulfill our roles for Appinio even better in the future - that has always been our top priority. Max has always been a key person for Appinio and has been closer to the operational business for quite some time, more than I could ever be. This leadership transition is a logical development, and I am very excited to hand over this role to Max."


The market research platform Appinio, founded by Kurfess at the age of 23 in 2014, has become one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe. Companies like Danone, Nike, Uniqlo, and Jung von Matt are among the now over 2,000 customers worldwide.

Describing his future role within the company, Kurfess said, "My mission, which is also the foundation of the idea and vision behind Appinio, remains the same: With Appinio, we stand for the digitalization of market research and aim to make representative opinions accessible to all brands and individuals, providing them with a tool for better decisions. Thanks to the future distribution of roles, I can dedicate myself even more to this goal - thus, this new setup is an important milestone for our continued growth and the further success of Appinio."

About Max Honig and other changes

Max Honig is a Co-Founder at Appinio and has served as COO since 2015. The position of Chief Operating Officer, vacated by him, is now assumed by Gemma Gutiérrez Pérez, who was previously Head of Sales Enablement. The positions of Tizian Bonus as Chief Revenue Officer, Kai Granaß as Chief Technology Officer, and Gordian Danker as Chief Product Officer remain unchanged.

Appinio_Max Honig_CEO_web (2)Max Honig, CEO of Appinio

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About Appinio

Appinio is a global market research company headquartered in Hamburg. The company revolutionizes market research by enabling brands to survey specific target groups and receive representative results within minutes. Appinio provides consumer opinions from more than 90 markets, and over 2,000 customers from all industries utilize Appinio's services.


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